These are the subjects you need to know to certify or pass each exam. Each question has an explanation Some students use these questions as their primary study source, it is an excellent method to learn. Make sure to complete any test that you have started as it wont let you access the other tests if one is already in progress.


AWLS Practice Tests

NOTE: There will be 5 randomly selected questions related to practical skills on the AWLS Certification Exam. There are no practice test questions on practical skills. To study for these questions, you should watch the practical skills videos.


Backpacking Medicine Practice Tests

Wilderness Travel and Tropical Medicine


Search and Rescue Practice Tests


Bike Med Practice Tests


BWLS - Basic Wilderness Life Support Practice Tests

Module 1: Treating Outdoor injuries

Module 2: Medicine in Outdoor Sports

Module 3: Weather Risks in the Outdoors

Modules 4: Other Risks and Problems

Module 5: Planning for the Outdoors


WFA - Wilderness First Aid Practice Tests


WFR - Wilderness First Responder


WFR - Wilderness First Responder Recert. Course


Medicine of Outdoor Sports Practice Tests


Basic First Aid